Thursday, October 29, 2009

Blog 3

I recently started working on a show at Disneyland called FANTASMIC again for the first time in almost 1 1/2 years. I was very excited to be back onstage, especially since many new elements have been added to the show sinc ei first left it in May of 2008. Not only have many technical aspects, such as a new dragon and props used in the show, been added which make the audience "ooohhh" and "Aaahhh", but the lighting was completely changed as well. All the lights are now state of the art LEDs and completely overpower what lights were used in the past. I knew that the colors were more vibrant, and that Gobos had been added to cast shadows and new effects on the stage, but I was not expecting how much the new lighting would throw me off during the show. I start off as a snake, I am completelt coved by my Kaa Pod which is basicall a giant inflatable kids play toy, so this first part of the show didnt distract me too much... however, i next become a pirate for a swash buckling Peter Pan segment... when the lihghts came on... WOW!!! the lights were so bright an intense that i could barely remember what to do. I usually was able to look into tyhe audience and find friends who were watching the show... not this time, i could barely see off the edge of the boat! It was amazing the colors that i could see in the lighting towers! after the pass, it took much longer for my eyes to adhust to move to my position for the shows finale!, the same happened to me there as well. when the lights for the finale came up, i was once again amazed at the colors shooting past my head! The colors were so intense that i could hardly stand it... for the very end of tyhe show, a green pyro is shot into the sky, BLINDING both the performers and the audience before the end of the evening. I have now been back on the show for 2 weeks and am still getting aclimated to the shows new LEDs that shine upon us!

Friday, October 16, 2009

Blog 2

Tuesday October 13th, 2009

Today the rain has been off and on. It rained overnight, and i left my window open slightly, so after getting into my car I had to give it a nice little wipe down before heading off to school. Even there the rain came and went. After a day at school, I went once again to the beach to meet up with a friend for a nice run along the highway. We started in Corona Del Mar and made our way north towards Newport/Huntington, About halfway through, we turned a bend and saw a beautiful rainbow in the sky. It was dropping perfectly out of the sky from a cloud into the ocean below it. Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue, and Magenta all spilled one on top of the other in a perfect cascade into the sea. The sky seemed to have two shades even, a darker blue towards the East, and a lighter blue towards the West, where the sun was about to set. The reflections off of the clouds was also very beautiful, the dark clouds bouncing off a radiant white glow at some parts gave it a very "heavenly" feel. As we passed the little house looking over the ocean, we watched as the rainbow slowly started to diminish. I thought about the last time it rained, I could see the end of that rainbow perfectly falling into the parking lot of a grocery store, I wanted to desperately get a picture at the end of that rainbow,basking in its light, however the closer I came to the end of that rainbow... the further it kept running from me. one day i will catch my rainbow... :)

Blog 1

Saturday October, 3rd 2009

Some friends and I went to dinner at the beach, it was still pretty hot and uncomfortable at the time dinner started, however by the time we finished, the sun was starting to set and it had cooled down considerably. Driving along PCH, we couldn't believe how big the sun looked... and it was also very fuzzy, almost as if the sun was out of focus, but it was still beautiful non-the-less. The waters horizon was and orange/yellow and was starting to turn to a nice pink color, it stretched all along the waters edge. There was also a long reflection in the water of the sun, it stretched vertically from the base of the sun, along the water, and to the shores edge. at some points in the drive, it seemed as though the reflection was 10x brighter than the main sourse of the sun. In the picture, my favorite part is the showdow that is cast with the cliff. its a perfect silhouette, almost as if someone had cut out the bottom edge of the picture. it was just really neat how the light was reaching everywhere in the world, or so it seemed, but yet on the other side of this small hill, absolutely nothing.